Sunday, November 14, 2010

Saturday- Muet Test
Based on last times experience, however I feel sleep due to wake up in the morning and busy this few day with lack of sleep, I make sure myself don not fall a sleep during my reading part. Essay Part is kinda crazy, I can accept the Malaysia Policy question but...I cannot accept the question is related with love relationship! "In an arranged marriage, the choice of a husband or wife is made by parents or elders" WTF...This is not related to my life,how MUET Test can come out this type of question? I write not enough 350 words and feel scare cannot get Band 3 again. The consequence of fail get Band 3 is I will stop my study until I pass my Muet Test just can continue my study. This is MMU "good" policy. Listening part 1 May be ok, Part 2 ok, Part 3 KNS...God Bless me, I hope get pass my Muet only!

Sunday- Toastmaster Camp created by FBL Society
This camp from 10am-4pm only, I try to arrange my time to attend this business camp. This camp have Speaker invited from Australia and some game to teach us how to enhance leadership. I feel interesting to this event. A lot of tutorial and assignment not yet settle, I hope finish it as soon as possible...Next week already Week 5, I still not yet follow up all the subject what I taking it now. Although my life turn became busy and busy, but I feeling happy can learn many thing from the Cyberpreneurship Club. At least I not waste my time to do nothing and I still remember what my family told me "Your mind should turn Busy as habit, after your future just take busy as easy" haha,I always love my family told me the thing, I will follow what they say...Yes^^ I will try My best be responsible what I promise before!

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